Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Most Powerful Smartphone In The World.

The Most Powerful Smartphone In The World

The Most Powerful Smartphone In The yeah I looked at the old version there's a lot of things that I liked about it it obviously was very gay more focused this one will be the same but what's really interesting here is that this time around it appears to be non-negotiable that this is like the spec champion this is the ROG phone.

The Most Powerful Smartphone In The World.

Powerful Smartphone In The World.

look at this what an unboxing experience it's so flashy like I said it's gonna be hard to even throw that box out first thing you see on the top at least the way I opened it is actually this cooling unit how wild is that you open this up and you get you revealed this pattern here when it goes on like that it's got some weight to it it's no joke this thing apparently as a hundred and twenty Hertz older displays that correct well is that respect that's ridiculous got the OLED.

 which you want and you get the Refresh get the 120 Hertz can't see too much but you do see something that's very promising straightaway which is these front-facing speakers see this little vent along the top with the copper finish you know what kind of zone you're in 48 megapixel quad Bayer it's a two camera unit I believe they have added a wide-angle touch shoulder buttons there of course you can map those to your favorite shooter and get a much more ergonomic grip on the device you .

 Most Powerful Smartphone

still have a dedicated headphone jack on the bottom type-c connector which interestingly enough is off to the side that is a very uncommon location right what do we have this is oh it's a case of some kind so this is obviously different from the extra case that was included in our package which is probably an accessory after the fact it's got this angular design carrying the same theme through it so somewhere between a case and a bumper you still see the beautiful glass design underneath braided USB type-c cable over here not gonna get so tangled plus it just has a like a certain premium kind of luxury feel to it max 30 watts Wow six thousand milliamp hour battery that is pretty awesome .

otherwise we've got a little front-facing camera in this location right there you know I'll be testing itself in a moment I'm realizing looking at this that actually these lines in it they change colors as they it shifts light you see this so see how it's like pink yellow green look at that let's take a look at some of the extra stuff so this is the mobile desktop Gogh this is gonna be I guess the home the hub for your device it's got a dock oh that's what that rubber thing was covering so that will pop in like that and that's what your dock look is going to be so this could be on your desk this thing has more parts than my actual laptop at the moment that's an SD card slot a USB source pass-through of some kind there's a .

Powerful Smartphone

DisplayPort Thunderbolt 3 by the looks of it four USB ports you have an Ethernet jack another display port an HDMI port an audio out port and a microphone import I think they really intend for you to have this thing dock keyboard mouse and then a monitor display here and just like why even have a computer so yeah I mean you put a keyboard and mouse on some Pub gee I don't know how good you are alright are you are you substantially better but take gaming out of it just productivity this is cool on its own this has an active cooling fan in crazy what they're thinking about over here I just realized that this fan adapter has a headphone output and a Nanna type C pass-through okay next up its another dock this is the twin beam dock it comes with a fancy chase oh wait a second I remember this thing that's a display up there it's another display the phone docks here like this and you get a dual display setup it's also got a fan in it because when you're gaming man you've got to stay cool then it comes down and it locks in place and this is your package 15 year old me is pretty amped up this is this is too cool right now the screen portion has probably four volume .

I assume volume up/down and a power switch holy moly this is the most comprehensive phone unboxing I think ever in unbox therapy channel history but it kind of makes sense because it's probably the most comprehensive phone ever alright so this is the why geek display dock plus and this is the plug-and-play fast ethernet network connection this is going to be wireless obviously as the name implies so this one has the HDMI on the backend USB a port power and a power switch this is gonna wirelessly be able to transmit to your display or television that's pretty cool I guess this .

particular adapter could plug in to the usb on this port and give you a wired connection or something even more reliable if you choose to use it that way so holy moly that is a lot oh I'm not done yet this one is what probably most people are interested in the kunai gamepad is some kind of samurai thing going on bonus points this is where the gaming really takes off because now you got tactile controls and maybe hardware like this encourages game developers to take advantage of it start to put out some titles some really compelling titles for mobile because now people can interact in these types of formats this is also quite switch light does this not bring you to the you know the joy cons dock in there a super-long type-c cable because i suppose the intention here is you're gonna play for hours .

and hours you might actually just want to stay plugged in so you never have to worry about battery life so they put a long braided type-c cable in this package how is this all gonna go down I see a type C port over there like so so got your cooling still got your RGB now you get these two channels on the side you can slide the controllers into so I assume it goes like one whoa and like to look at you wow you're starting to think of your phone more like a game console like a portable game console and less like a phone it is still a phone a very powerful phone of course you're gonna pop it out and use it like a phone but in this moment you're not gonna be thinking phone you're probably going to turn off your notifications and get right into it because you've got are to you guys real shoulder.

buttons you've got real triggers touch controls simply can't compete with these types of controls especially for certain types of games I'm just so curious the cooling the cooling still clips on check you out who are you you just pop this out of the bag no you finished your homework you like here we go ha da da da da Papa Papa you know what I'm saying mom I finished my homework.

Wow look at those buttons it's got em to em one these little extra almost like scuff like out on a scuf controller like scuff buttons oh also almost miss this there's a headphone jack at the bottom right there no release just pop it like that alright now these guys on this controller Bam Bam now watch I'm gonna show you something here watch this boom boom boom right boom to the display don't miss a beat now you're comfy and actually I like this even more the triggers on this are legit triggers look at that so what is it what else does this happen what for that reason look at that little USB dongle which hides in in the control it's almost too much to cover in one video right here options for connectivity as well bluetooth USB and Wi-Fi you know what it's not even over there because how about this on the .

go boom boom up boom on the go boom boom see yeah it's too much for me to keep it all together it's all too exciting ok last accessory because this is just this to turn into a saga this video this case is solid and sturdy and it's all that's in the package installation let's see boom all right shall we boot this up let's go ahead and do that ooh solid Rumble bit a sound alright so the authentication here looks like there's a few options you have face recognition setup fingerprint or a typical pin because there's no fingerprint scanner this is obviously one of those in display styles and face recognition by the . 

looks of it I don't see any heavy face on lock hardware in the top beyond the front-facing camera I'm guessing it's an optical style okay so registering fingerprint pretty standard stuff let's try this ooh now this is the air trigger setup as I mentioned previously those shoulder buttons I guess they call them air triggers set up air triggers squeeze force level to turn on X mode to automatically optimize .

performance for gaming what you're looking at here is the kind of gamer focused skin you can see some of the icons it looks like it actually has Asheville nine pre-installed but I've been told at least Willie do tells me that there's also gonna be a stock Android version of this device which I think .

opens it up to an entirely different market of people just looking for the the crazy powerful specs maybe not necessarily gaming centric for the time being though this is this is what you're looking at this the one this is the retail version I'm looking at brightness let me open up like a browser window here oh yeah that pops maybe I'll do a quick comparison to the oneplus and you're both maxed out brightness ooh that's a tough one now of course as you know ninety Hertz over here 120 Hertz over a year do I discern a difference I'm sure you all think I'm crazy but I feel like I can tell the difference I mean it's slight but I feel like it's kind of there real quick let's get the spec list going this thing has 12 gigs of RAM is that correct well twelve gigs of RAM I already told you it has a six thousand .

milliamp hour battery massive it's got the OLED 120 Hertz display going on it's got stereo speakers going on the chipset Snapdragon a 55 as you would expect to have in there the display resolution is 23 40 by 1080 so it's kind of in a wheelhouse of what you'd expect for something like this especially when you get the bonus of the OLED 120 Hertz the screen itself measures six point six inches from .

corner to corner here's the most important thing you're like okay all phones are Snapdragon a 55 I don't understand what makes this one so powerful I get it has a big battery as well gigs of RAM it's actually over clogged because of the thermal components engineering venting apparently this thing out the gate is overclocked for performance they're able to run the chip a little harder than you're seeing in a typical smartphone Willy dudes giving me this he says the overclock is 22.96 gigahertz on a phone you know I was born in 1985 almost three gigahertz overclock on a phone what are we doing guys let me boot up a little YouTube right quick so we will launch into a recent blue later episode .

here okay not super loud yet lemme presentation em on musk affiliated company it has an outdoor mode it has a smart volume mode it has audio wizard feel the difference play music and create your own audio effect with a customized equalizer you can actually customize the audio performance as well and there's a vibration intensity setting for touch vibration and I'm telling you the vibration .

motor on here is it's kind of bananas based on a presentation I watched then I would have imagined it's loud I've got a 1 plus 7 Pro so let's go ahead and I'll just boot up the exact same video because I'm curious why that sounded fresh not just hype but also interest from the necessary parties but I should also say this sounds like I'm underwater like its muffled comparatively and that's weird because I've heard other phones in the presence of the 7 Pro that sounded muffled compared to it again I think this is a consequence of the legit front firing speakers this demonstration people can take the top one .

granted the wow factor when you have the bezel this phone is big and people do other things on their phones besides watch video so there is of course a component there and a 7 Pro is not a bad sounding phone that's important to note let's launch into these cameras real quick there is your main camera standard focal range and there's your wonderful wide angle which I am such a big fan of and of course it creates a totally different atmosphere wide angles useful for capturing a frame with more stuff in it so you have the typical range and you have wide angle you know that is a pretty nice-.

looking photo my finger in the preview was completely blown out and it got the detail back in the auto HDR functionality so the camera looks like they they took it into consideration this is an early version of the device in the software made that and the fact that they added the wide-angle for me makes this phone a lot more compelling as a daily driver type of smartphone but there is an auto .

HDR by default so we'll see what that does to my face it's softened my skin up you see this is what I'm not looking for I don't I'm not trying to be pretty I go to portrait mode ah it's toggle to a level one I'm gonna go to a level zero actually just off completely so it does look possible let's give it a shot and see what happens that's a bit closer and usually what happens here is you end up with a little bit more contrast when you're able to turn the beauty mode off from a detail perspective like on some front-.

facing cameras I can see like pores on my face which is like a weird thing to mention but for me that's a good test of detail right because which cameras can resolve it which can this one does have a bit of smoothing that said the beard hair test is bananas it does really well and the contrast test where .

usually some of these Beauty modes like to just sort of flatten things out that's not really happening here all right now obviously it's a gaming phone ladies and gentlemen gaming whoa there's some gaming centric stuff going on in here look at this this pulls in from the left hand side it allows you to lock the brightness turn off alerts turn off your phone calls manage your settings for air triggers speed up the device look at this what are we feeling we're optimizing it's incredible 1.4 gigs of memory release you can record your screen you can go live from here data only mode plus you got the FPS you got the clock speed of the CPU you have your temperature 25 degrees Celsius and X mode .

available I can link for live streaming my YouTube account which account I can set my live streaming resolution and my audio source if I have an external one via something like a gaming headset it's bananas so gaming phone centric you know they've had to put some attention into the gaming aspect from a software point of view so you click this button in the center near a launch look at that ah it gets aggressive it's yelling at you it's growling RGB starts popping off on the back look at this just flashing between all the colors that's capable of it's all about capabilities this is your games lobby right now I only have ashphalt 9 which is pre-installed but your games will show up in here .

and you can set separate profiles for different games temperature controls memory cleaner game tuning display options the refresh rate anti-aliasing touch controls sensitivity Kirk holy it's a phone man what get that sound boosted wound now remember any time this is what I love the way they implement this you pull them from the left fps temperature lock the brightness turn off alerts so you might start out it's casual then things get serious you're like you know I'm going to lock those alerts don't bother me it's some nitro whoa all right so let's say I pull this over get two air triggers going and you can see here that boom down is that where they sort of are so look and that one's not even lined up that well but it's good enough right boom so now I don't have to touch the screen and it's much more comfortable look man it's a great it's a cool thing and I'm happy it exists and I'm happy there's a huge battery and I'm happy it has the most responsive display and I'm happy that overclocked .

smartphones are such a thing is it gonna be for everyone no but that's why it's interesting that's why it's exciting because it is so targeted at a select few somebody who wants something different than what every other smartphone looks like and I promise you they're all starting to look a lot alike so at least this one makes some kind of statement at least this one differentiates itself somehow obviously is so comprehensive that trying to cover it in one video is crazy I mean there's just accessories in general like which ones do you need which are the most important I'm gonna be testing out these .

accessories and really really gotten downloading whatever titles are currently available that I feel I could take advantage of them and then get into the bottom of the idea of your phone becoming your predominant computing method with a doc like that and maybe replacing your desktop or laptop is if that's even possible but just on a base level baseline level no accessories you are looking at probably the world's fastest overall smartphone experience they're talking about shipping it potentially with stock Android they're already running something close to it they're overclocking the most powerful chipset that people are looking for in smartphones they hit it with 12 gigs of RAM they gave you a six thousand milliamp hour battery and then on top of it all a 120 Hertz OLED display so even for people who don't care for the styling you have to be paying attention it's probably the world's most powerful smartphone 

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